This movie is a literary one, and I love it. Normally, I'm not one for narration, but this narration by Emma Thompson's character is so fun to listen to. It's like listening to a book on tape, which essentially is the point. Great screenplay by Zach Helm.
When this first was released in theatres, I was a little worried about Will Ferrell. I thought, oh crap, he's going to make it goofy and dumb, but when watching it, you realize-at least I did-that no one else could have played Harold with such heart. I apologize to you, Will Ferrell, for doubting your acting skills, now please make something with similar talent. Now that I know you have it, you have to use it.
The rest of the cast was great too. My only complaint was that it made me really uncomfortable watching Maggie Gyllenhaal have to mount and make out with Will Ferrell. It was just too wrong. Emma Thompson should have won some kind of award for her character, and I wished that if I was in college, I could have a professor like Dustin Hoffman's character.
Visually, this movie was amazing. Starting with the numbers and measurements over the picture, going to subtle background movements. Directed by Marc Forster, same guy who directed "Stay"-one of my favorite movies, stunning-he has an eye all his own. He can make a major city look like a sort of any-city, finding the most interesting buildings you've probably never seen before.