
Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome!

I have started this blog to share my love of, no, my passion for film. I will review films that are new, old, classic, bad, good, and just plain awful. This will include shorts, features, and animations, and in January when it's Sundance time, you can count on me updating you nightly (or as wireless connection permits) with my festival happenings and reviews. This blog will most likely include some essay-type rants on my love of film and watching a filmstock presentation at the theatre rather than digital projection.

I was a projectionist for a few years at a twenty-two plex, one without digital projectors. In fact, our projectors were kind of old, not very, but they weren't Christies (projectionists will understand, they look kind of like Tonka projectors compared to what I worked with). Apparently, Christies don't have a lot of the problems that Strongs (the ones I used) have, like brain wraps mostly. I hated brain wraps, it was like all hell broke loose when one happened, listening to the lull of clicking and whirring you would suddenly hear a noise that was unmistakable (but kind of hard to describe) and in an instant your walkie talkie would blare something along the lines of "Number 12 stopped". You knew what was wrong, but you tell them you'll check it out anyway, because most likely the angry patron was standing right there and wanted to hear your response. You grab a splicer and head over to the projector, swear a bit, turn on the threading light and begin to fix it. While your hands are busy fixing it, the walkie talkie blares again "How's it looking?" or "Do you know when you'll get it back up?" usually with a semi panicked tone in their voice due to the whole auditorium lining up in front of them to put in their individual (but identical) complaints and all demanding a refund AND a pass. I ignored these. They delayed my fixing the problem because I had to stop what I was doing to answer them. Then because you didn't answer them, they would come up to see what the problem was. What a nightmare.

Anyway, I'll have the first review soon, as soon as I figure out which film to review! There's so many to choose from. And if you didn't catch the blatant nod to one of my absolute favorite films," Cabaret", then I am sorely disappointed.

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